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We encourage all instructors, especially those using Reacting, to become members of the Reacting Consortium. Members get access to dozens of games under review, event discounts, and much more. Your membership also helps support this community, the development of new games, and helps us help you. 

If you are not yet ready to become a member, you can create a non-member instructor account below. Please use an institutional email address to register. 

And if you change your mind, you can also select an individual membership level below, or become a member at any time.

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Please use your institutional email address to register! 

You can check your school's membership status here.


The Reacting Consortium is a nonprofit consortium of institutions and individual instructors united under the common belief imagination, inquiry, and engagement are essential features of teaching and learning. Read more about the history and mission of the Reacting Consortium here


There are many reasons to become a Reacting Consortium member, including the benefits listed below. Moreover, your membership helps sustain and advance Reacting as a pedagogy. It helps us maintain the standards of exhaustive review of games-in-development (did you know that published games have gone through at least 3 separate rounds of editorial review and revision?). It allows us to run conferences, apply for grants, and to answer hundreds of questions from faculty each semester. Read more about what our members say here

  • Full access to all Reacting Consortium materials
    • Expanded Instructor materials for published games 
    • Student and Instructor materials for 30+ games in development
    • Resources on assessment,  rhetoric, grading
  • Discounts on the registration fees for certain conferences
  • Editorial guidance and play-testing support for game authors
  • Special discounted rates for institutional members hosting Reacting workshops 


"We renewed our Consortium membership [because] a number of our History department faculty are now using Reacting, and our Arts and Letters Dean is also interested in the pedagogy. In History, we see it as offering potential to reinvigorate our gen ed classes and to use high impact learning practices in classes of all levels."

-- Institutional Member

"The main reason I renewed is because I regularly use published and unpublished games in my courses—in fact this is my 15th year doing so! I also appreciate the scaled membership fees." 

-- Individual Member

"We renewed our membership because we have a modest but growing and active group of Reacting faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates we continue to foster. We also renewed to have  access to the resources and communities through the Reacting Consortium."

--  Institutional Member

This website is still in beta.  Please email us with feedback and ideas. Thank you for your patience and understanding.  

You may know us as RTTP Reacting to the Past educational games gamification simulations classroom simulations case studies case study method history historical role-playing role playing games LARP ing role play games for education help me be a better professor college professor alternatives to lectures active learning active-learning learning activities energize your classroom best practices AHA the chronicle teaching learning center teaching excellence public speaking  promote metacognition emotional intelligence teach empathy student agency what is Reacting to the Past the Reacting Consortium immersive role-playing games  educational debate debating economic simulations historical simulation model UN 

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