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We are pleased to offer recordings for those who were not able to join us live.

We will continue adding recordings as they are available. If you registered for an event, but were unable to attend, you can contact mprovo@barnard.edu for access to the video. You do not need to purchase a recording. 

Members can view the Game On Panel recording, as well as additional information about the various platforms, for free. You simply have to sign in. 

Members also receive a discounts on the recordings, in addition to access to games under review and discounted event registration. We encourage you to join today.  


Universal Design and Reacting

Jamie Lerner-Brecher discusses questions of accessibility, how to incorporate principles of Universal Design into your syllabi, and the ways that Reacting already aligns with and supports Universal Design principles.

Facilitator Jamie Lerner-Brecher is a disability studies scholar-activist. She holds a master's degree in Disability Studies from the CUNY School of Professional Studies (SPS) and a bachelor's degree from Columbia University, where she graduated summa cum laude. Jamie currently works on a grant-funded project that aims to create, implement, and research the effects of disability training on college professors. Jamie's other current research studies include: a paper on how Universal Design in Higher Education (UDHE) benefits students with learning disabilities, mapping UDHE principles to Reacting to the Past pedagogy, and researching best teaching practices for autistic students in Reacting classes.

$5 for Members
$10 for Non-Members
Free for Original Attendees

Play it Safe: Safety Tools for Your Reacting Games

Role-playing is a powerful way to activate student learning, connecting students to content and the characters they inhabit. Still, many Reacting games cover topics that may make the historical feel too close for comfort. Many non-educational role-playing games (RPGs) and live action role-playing games (LARPs) that deal with strong subject matter have developed tools to allow players to explore their characters while also respecting one another’s boundaries. In this virtual workshop, he discusses and shares a variety of safety tools borrowed from these communities and commercial products, advises when and how they can be deployed, and explores the use of tools with some role-play. 

Facilitator Allen White is an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Chemistry at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. He has been using Reacting for many years and playing games for longer. 

$5 for Members
$10 for Non-Members
Free for Original Attendees

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This website is still in beta.  Please email us with feedback and ideas. Thank you for your patience and understanding.  

You may know us as RTTP Reacting to the Past educational games gamification simulations classroom simulations case studies case study method history historical role-playing role playing games LARP ing role play games for education help me be a better professor college professor alternatives to lectures active learning active-learning learning activities energize your classroom best practices AHA the chronicle teaching learning center teaching excellence public speaking  promote metacognition emotional intelligence teach empathy student agency what is Reacting to the Past the Reacting Consortium immersive role-playing games  educational debate debating economic simulations historical simulation model UN 

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